Able Marine & Refrigeration Ltd
Custom Chilling Systems Commercial & Industrial

CRN Certified Titanium Exchangers
Pictured is a 35 Ton Chill System
RSW System
Pictured: Fish Hatchery Chilling System

Heat Pump Systems
5 HP Reversible Titanium Heat Pump System
Custom Chilling System Designs
Pictured: Twin 5 HP Reversible Heat Pump for Oyster Deprivation

Blast Freezers
-70 F Mobile Blast Freezer

10 hp Mobile Units
Ready To Ship!
For optimal seawater chilling in live holding tanks. Easy to install, light-weight, and easy to move to the boat you need on most.
Mobile Chiller & Heat Pump Units
Only the Best
Efficiency, reliability, consistency - these are the three pillars helping us stand high above all our competitors. This feature ensures that we maintain this standing and provide quality products at fair prices.

Cutting-Edge Technologies
Truly Remarkable
As part of our rigorous manufacturing process, we make sure each product is flawless before it goes on sale. With this feature, we can guarantee our commitment to excellence with every single product.